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FAQ Form
Rules and Regulations


FAQ is the abbreviation for 'Frequently Asked Questions'. Basically this section of the site is for all you visitors out there that have any questions, comments or suggestions.  To do this you must read the rules and regulations to submiting in this section. Once I do recieve your message, I will post them here in the order I get them.

You must read these before submitting your post to this FAQ section! Thank you!

Absolutely NO negative or inappropriate comments (for example: spam, haters/flamers, perverts and trolls) are NOT welcome or tolerated! My comment box works through e-mail so I will just have you blocked or send your e-mails to my spam box. You will be ignored or I might just make a flame wall to put you on blast.

I respect everyone's privacy and will never post anyone's e-mail or personal information unless I am given permission. I also recommend using a nick/name or just a first name or if you really want to stay private, you may use 'Anonymous'.

I will be posting most of the questions/comments on here to avoid people asking the same things. Also, make sure you do go over the posts that were already submitted in this section so you don't end up asking a repeat question.

Make sure all questions/comments/suggestions are all mostly related to this website. Don't ask me anything stupid or personal...

With all this said, by all means please go ahead and go to the FAQ box and write whatever you feel necessary or convient for my website and I will get back to you as quickly as I can. Just fill out your name, e-mail address and other necassary information in the fields then all questions, comments and suggestions go in the big comment box underneath. Thank you and I hope to hear from you all soon! ;)

Once you have read over all the Rules and Regulations and have read all the FAQ posts that have already been submitted, if you still have a question, comment or suggestion that has not yet been listed, please click on the boxed link below to go to the FAQ Form page and fill out all the required fields and submit your feedback. I will answer and post all questions, comments and suggestions in the order they are recieved and as soon as possible. All posts in this FAQ section will be posted in order from newest to oldest. Thank you very much! I do appreciate your feedback!

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