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No offense but it's kind of annoying to keep that section up about your 'Enemies' or &#3

Yeah, I get it. And I have thought about taking it down and ignoring her stupid, dramatic bullshit. That and all her family and friends that take her side (even though she is in the wrong, they always do! Lol) have asked me, harassed me and texted me about taking it down. I guess she got pretty offended and butt hurt over it? But you know, just cause I know it bothers her because she knows how right I am and how true what I wrote is. She's offended because I really did expose her and call her out on all her bullshit and lies. Even though I had to kind of put her on blast which I really don't like doing publically or taking my problems to social media at all for that matter. But it was kind of worth it since if you know her, you know how much she lies and goes out of her way to tell people all this bullshit that isn't true and some of them still believe her which really gets me! I mean, whether she could be right or wrong as I stated above, and trust me she is always in the wrong, her family still stands by her side even though what she is doing and saying isn't right and is all lies and bullshit. I can't stand people who do that. Like, I don't care how close I am to somebody, if they are wrong about something, I'm gonna tell them. I would still always be loyal to them and have their back but I'm not gonna sit there and feed into something I know is wrong. So as I was saying, I expect it from her family and she probably even lies to them. But all these people that don't usually know anything about the situations or the person will actually still believe her even though it seems most people who really do know her know how she is and how big of a pathelogical liar she is. So no, I don't feel the least bit bad about it because she put me on blast and still does once in a while all the time and has not stopped harassing me and Ricky since she started this whole fued. It's been going on over six months and she still, sadly, has not given up or admitted her wrongs. I actually kind of want to go over that section again and shorten a lot of it, reword it, edit a few things and just kind of do a long story short thing. But as for deleting it, honestly, I really don't want to. I like having my side of the situation told and to be able to do it from my actual personal website is the best way for me because I don't have to post anything on social media and I still post it publically, but only for the people who actually care or are interested in the situation or about my life can read about it. I really strongly believe that everyone needs to know what a fake, dramatic, stupid, crazy, pathelogical liar she is and I'm more than happy to expose her for all of that and more. But that is the ONLY thing I have said to her or towards this whole fight at all for the most part because like you had said, I really am the better person and I have tried to ignore her and all the drama and I did ignore it for the most part. I think if I have something to say, even though it is longer and I will try and fix that soon, I should have the right to post it and say my side and I did say that it would be one of the only and few things I have to say before I go back to ignoring her and blocking her and her family and followers. So I have been ignroing it since then, she seems to have a new boyfriend again and looks like she might move on for a little bit for now. Hopefully, it all just get ignored in general and she can let us be happy and live in peace like we have been doing for her. We don't bother her or start drama and she has no right to do any of that with me anyway if you really knew the sitation...Thank you for being on my side at least. I usually don't post things like this or related to that subject per say, but I thought maybe it would be a good example if anyone else tried saying someting about it..

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